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Accessing A B Via Phone

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nailit | 18:22 Fri 31st Jan 2020 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
There was a thread a few weeks ago about not been able to click on certain links on AB via phone. (Cant find it now)
I sometimes while away my half hour bus ride to work by reading through AB (and other stuff) but find that the problem is still there. Some posts just wont open.
Why is this and is there any moves in place to address it?


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I have the same problem. For me I think it's due to adverts- the only way I can move onto what I want is to open then close all the google and other ads. Sometimes I have to close half a dozen or so. Hopefully I'll find a way to stop the ads, but it's not as simple as it is on my laptop
Depends on your phones .....if you are using an android based item your best bet(and easiest) is to get on the internet using the Chrome app available. Never though that I would find myself recommending Chrome and Google but there you go. I found it when I was in the wilds fishing and wanted to get on the web. I have probably only ever accessed this site two or three time s from my phone.
I have downloaded the Ad Blocker app on to my android mobile. It works well.
Naughty are not supposed to say that. You would need something like chrome installed to do that. (^_*)
If you really want to speed things up on your phone .. install the browser available from 'Brave' .. it will make you smile when all of a sudden, all your browsing issues like loading, pop ups, etc. just disappear !
Your next question will be .. why haven't I done this before ?
To follow on from Togo's latest reply .. I have only mentioned a couple of things it stops .. not all of them.
Another vote for the Brave browser on Android.
What have I said?
First word starts with .. A .. and second word starts with .. B ..
You will be made to sit on the naughty step Tilly !
I hope there's a cushion. :-)

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Accessing A B Via Phone

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