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Everything Is Temporary

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nailit | 21:06 Tue 04th Feb 2020 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Thought about posting this in Religion/spirituality, but what the hell ;-)
People asking about Squad (and AOG etc) but the fact is as much as we might miss online friends, and as as much as we might miss actual real life friends, Loss is part of life.


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Yes, we all know that. No harm in asking how people are though.
//Loss is part of life//

So it is Nails, and incomprehensible to the young. I remember both sets of Grandparents very well however, and two Sisters, my Parents and many good friends. I can bear the hurt. It is my duty as a human being to do so.
I think we know that life is but a mere blink in time, care and concern for the well being of others is second nature for many.
I lost a dear friend last year. we went to same first, middle and upper school together and we were in many of the same classes as well, kept in touch for years after... he would have turned 48 on 10th of February the same day as our dear friend of on here Cupid is laid to rest... all very sad. I for one think of the fond memories we shared.
Well we know that Nailit......
Yes, life’s happenings move swiftly so that makes them temporary but memories good and bad last forever
Come on people, you know nailit's going for his philosopher badge, try to be more supportive.
I had a call today...a former co-worker passed away last week. She'd been diagnosed last August with aggressive lung cancer...she was retiring in September. A retirement she had planned for and looked forward to. She had no close relatives...her son was distant, and her daughter had taken her life. Sadly, she never returned to work. Never got to enjoy her retirement.
I thought I'd answered this earlier...typed but didn't post.

I had a call today...a former co-worker passed away last week. She'd been diagnosed last August with aggressive lung cancer...she was retiring in September. A retirement she had planned for and looked forward to. She had no close relatives...her son was distant, and her daughter had taken her life. Sadly, she never returned to work. Never got to enjoy her retirement.
Oh geeezzz...I don't know what happened there ^^^^^^
A ghost in the machine.
You're a bundle of laughs tonight, Nailit!
Has something happened to sqad ?
Sqad's in hospital, Khandro.
It's as it should be, circle run, cycle done. I try to accept that loss is part of life and the best way to honour the memory of those who leave is to treasure the memories but value the things we learned from them even more.
Yes, loss IS part of life, but it's bloody hard and no matter how much we are prepared for it, it takes its toll. I think it's the right thing to ask about people, it's what makes us human.
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//You're a bundle of laughs tonight, Nailit!//
Yes, sorry about that. Had a bad day yesterday, had a few drinks and was feeling a bit maudlin. Dont even know what the point of the post was about. Ah well!
Hope you're feeling better. x

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