Can some clever medical person explain the following to me please ? In The Sunday Times this week, there was a full page ad from HM Government about Coronavirus, giving advice on what to do about the germs. Now, I thought it was a virus. Or is a germ the same thing? Am I right in thinking that a germ and a virus are contracted in totally different ways? Just askin'. Yer know? Cos I don't! Thanks .
My biggest fear is that not only it spreading worldwide, but gaining virulency as it does so, so that the mortality rate dramatically increases.
The Spanish flu of 1919 killed about 30m people, and we are well overdue another pandemic.
I think it's time we all took basic precautions more seriously, like hand gels in places other than just hospitals, such as shops and supermarkets, schools and advertising to get people to carry their own gels. I do.