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Things That Scared You As A Child

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Bobbisox1 | 17:47 Mon 10th Feb 2020 | ChatterBank
59 Answers
It was that vehicle that came round to clean the drains, it had a large arm with a drum on it, the grate was removed and this thing plunged into it, I remember being absolutely terrified and would run in the house if I saw one in the street.
Did you have any irrational fears?


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The troll in the ladybird book, The three billy goats gruff.
19:38 Mon 10th Feb 2020
The thing under the bed!

I was well trained in putting my underware in the wash-basket.
Oh yes, just reading this thread has brought back memories of other fears. Alsatians and deep water, both of which I’m still scared of. And the ‘thing under the bed’ of course.
//I remember watching Quatermass from behind the settee. //
Amazing. That series was the only thing that scared me as a child and,like you, I watched it behind the settee pretending to my mum I was asleep whilst she was knitting and knew damn well I was watching it.
As soon as it finished she would say,"Right young man it's way past your bedtime up those stairs with you."
I used to go into my older sisters bed and wait for her to come home from Judo lessons. I was literally in a cold sweat but never missed an episode of Quatermass and the Pit. I can visualise it now. I was about 8 at the time.
"The thing under the bed." Come on guys, who could possibly be afraid of a German army helmet? :-)
In my children's encyclopedia, the drawing of a ghost floating down some stairs. I used to turn over two pages when I came to it, because it frightened me to look at it. Ghosts terrified me. :-(
The troll in the ladybird book, The three billy goats gruff.
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^^^ got to get BA haha
Thank you Bobbi :-)

'Who's that tripping over my bridge' roared the troll.

It'd be a different story if it were me these days.

... actually no it wouldn't a few choice words a leg-it !
*...and I'd
Worms and anything worm-like. Walking outside is a nightmare for me after rain :o(
Priests, nuns, my dad, thunder and lightning and balloons. Thunder and lightning was because my mum told me it was because god was angry with something I had done wrong. I confessed to all sorts of things I hadn’t done to try to make it stop. ........ :-)
Fire... not totally irrational, but was probably a bit excessive for a young age. I used to stay awake at night, just making sure that a fire hadn't started in the corner of my bedroom.... maybe from watching something on TV. I outgrew it at some point.
And spiders- but that is totally rational :-)
We were in a serious car accident turning into our property when we were kids. Mum was waiting to turn right and a car whacked us from behind. Mum's car was written off.

To this day (40 or so years later) I cannot make a right turn into the drive unless I know the car behind has slowed behind me. If there is no car behind me I drive up the road and turn round.
// //I remember watching Quatermass from behind the settee. //
and the Pit
yeah the pebbly ground with waves going thro it
and the lights and wiring going haywire

the troll in Moomin and little My

standing on a drain and thinking I would fall thro= and it was a hell of long way to the water !

oh and Peter Stone - child molester (they said)
and whistling johnnie - another one
and ....

oh and good one
if the Germans invaded like they wanted to in 1940,
they would empty the town and put in Germans and informers !
[we had a lot of displaced persons]
Thunderstorms. I got that from my Mum who was terrified of them because they reminded her of being bombed by the Germans in WWII.
Spiders and heights.
As a child i was scared of dogs, it was my Mothers fault, if ever i wanted to stroke one in the street she woukd say "no, he might bite you", as an adult i love them and haved owned a few.
In the 1950s I watched a TV adaptation of Jane Eyre and was terrified of the very early scene where she is locked up in the red room. It must have been 30+ years before I could watch any version of Jane Eyre.
As a child I recall my mother making clear vegetable soup, that night I was dreadfully sick. Even now, in my 70s I loathe clear vegetable soup. The rest of the family were fine, I'm sure it wasn't the soup really.

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