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Do I Deserve A 3 Hour Saturday Detention For Skipping A Normal Detention ?

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bigbecky | 22:33 Tue 11th Feb 2020 | Family & Relationships
34 Answers
Last Friday I had an after school detention, it lasts for 1 and a half hours, this was for misbehaving in class, as it was Friday I was tired and just wanted to go home the last thing I needed was to sit in a poxy classroom, writing punishment essays or lines, so I went home, today my head of year said that skipping detention was unacceptable and I must be punished, I now have to serve a 3 hour Saturday detention, and if this is NOT punishment enough, I still have to serve the original 1 and a half hour detention is this fair ?


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Great movie wasn't it? I watch it every time it comes on, which is not that often...Great acting by those up-and-coming young stars!
It just seems like such a long time ago...
You were 16 in 2018 - so must be nearly 18 now - which means you made it to Upper 6th - whilst stealing, drinking and getting on the wrong side of the law! Strange you should access a forum such as this - in the hope of finding a sympathetic ear! Surely you should be consulting with your peers - or leaving school if you can't take the rules. Of course you could be making things up because you are bored? Not very imaginative!
Next time Bigbecky comes on here, please everybody, IGNORE her. That will be the most effective "punishment" - at the moment she's string everyone along, and loving it.
I agree - ignore this C***
My forehead is getting a bit flat now.
I can understand why - can’t understand why anyone responds :-(
Of course it is fair. Try behaving in class and the problem will go away.
Oh, where is the OP? Why do I answer these posts?
Well, I'll tell ya what I think. Becky knows that she's conning us into believing these situations she get into, and we know, or should know, that she knows that we know, and, moreover, we know that she knows that we know...See what I mean.
No, you should be birched!
Yes, and I hope your parents consider the three hours out of your room to be a replacement for your three hour computer time you claimed to be allowed while under bedroom prison in your last "woe is me" post.

You're either looking for attention by making up stories, or a naughty child who thoroughly deserves these punishments.
Big Becky is really a 24stone farmer called Alvin

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