//But behind the part-gruff, part-mannered exterior lurks a rare beast in British politics: a thinker who has read widely, is frustrated with current government structures and who believes that it is only by lobbing proverbial hand grenades into established institutions that anyone can deliver lasting change.//
Amazing how the Brexiteers don't object to this unelected official making the decisions. It's Alistair Campbell all over again, but the Ab fascisti weren't so keen on him.
Gulliver //can not get the Guardian where I live //
How strange, the Guardian is available anywhere in the world by mail order.So you really do live on another planet, as most of your posts suggest.
This elite, aesthete,(class-cowed?) dress-sense mindset has no proven relation to talent. Why not wish the best for Boris/Cummins/ et al making things better for the People ?
13.16, If I wanted a" Paper boy to stick it through my letter box" Then I would ask Cummings to do the job , he looks like an overgrown Paper Boy with that bag slung over his shoulder