Do you think we are going to get any snow this winter? I remember my Mum always saying (in the 1970s) that if you are going to get snow, you will get it during the second week of February. That was in the SW. We did tend to get our worst blizzards at that time. We always used to say that if you had a snowy winter it would be followed by a hot summer. I suppose another crap summer in this country is on the cards then.
I miss the seasons very much. When I was a kid, we always had snow in the winter and frost. Lovely warm summers (not boiling hot) and crisp autumns (my favourite season). Can't remember the last time we had a proper snowfall in my neck of the woods and this year we have only had a handful of really cold, frosty days. Winters are just wet and mild these days. Doubt it will ever change.