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Can’T Blame The Germans

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Jordyboy9 | 07:03 Sun 23rd Feb 2020 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Years ago we blamed the Germans for reserving sunbeds with their beach towels,not any longer the English have it down to a fine art,
I find it pathetic 7 o’clock in the morning and 30 plus towels are on the sunbeds while they are of for breakfast,
It’s a pity that they didn’t learn other things from them efficientsy and pride in your country regarding fly tipping and litter.


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i couldn't agree more,
Though i remember what it was like when Germans did invade the pool and left their towels on the sun loungers, many complaints from other holidaymakers..
me included.
I guess one learns from the best.
Not sure I want folk to be more efficient at fly tipping.
This is why we always go SC now, the thought of a scramble to reserve a sunbed to me isn’t worth the hassle , years ago ( about22 ) in Turkey, the waiters were taking backhanders off people to reserve them a way!
Not my kind of holiday, let them compete for a sunbed, I'm off to see the sites.
More likely Taffs and Jocks. Talking of which, why were you skulking around the pool at that time of the morning with a towel tucked under your arm.
During our first ever trip to Majorca, and before we realised there was a 'sunbed etiquette', we were delighted to see some kind people had left us some magazines to read on one of only 4 sunbeds in a beautiful cove. Got told later in no uncertain terms when the kind people arrived that they had reserved them.

Next day, got up early, placed some of our belongings on 'their' sunbed - and then went out for the day sightseeing.
I`ve noticed a trend for backhanders between guests and pool boys creeping in as far as reserving loungers is concerned. I had heck of a row with a hotel in Thailand about that last year and threatened to leave. The head pool boy left instead - they sacked him.
^Good. Hope he faded away quicker than your tan.
Serve him right for taking part in 'trends'.
Yes. Served him right for damaging the hard earned good reputation of the hotel and giving grief to the young lads who worked under him. He had only worked there for 5 minutes but he was on the fiddle from day one. Glad you think that;s OK.
If they put him in charge after 5 minutes, I'm sure he'll manage to survive.
I just lob them in the corner jordy, nowt ever happens. How can you reserve sun bed with a towel?

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