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teacake44 | 14:28 Fri 28th Feb 2020 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
Greta Thunberg, most people admire what your trying to do for the planet, me included, but one smile now and again would be nice. :0)))))


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//^Exactly, you've (accidentally) hit the nail on the head.//

We will still be here - but under what conditions will we be living
Here's a photo of Greta smiling. Scroll down to Live Updates:
Birdie, I don't know how much she personally gets but the entourage etc. needs paying. The list of shady characters backing her don't sound very charitable.
Birdie? Me? That's a new one. Like it! Thank you Spicy for attempting to answer the question.
I found this in the Toronto Sun. Seems she won a money prize and gave it to charity but doesn't get paid anything. IF that's true of course.
// ... and the algorithms, after being altered a hundred times ... //

In any other field of science, that would be called "progress".

// ... [Climate Change is] simply a natural phenomenon. //

Not much chance of that being shown any time soon. The recent history of the field has, if anything, tightened the link between human activity and Climate Change, and in all probability will continue to do so.
I'd never heard of her until this year
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In reading some of the posts on here its obvious that some adults prefer to live in denial / bury their head in the sand regarding climate change, because a young girl is taking a lead on the problem, along with being concerned for the future of her generation. What's so very wrong about that, would you care to see her join a drug gang? She's not afraid to face the facts, and try and do something about it, unlike many adults who are set in their ways and sit back until the real problems hit them smack in the face, sorry to late then. You can build flood defences as high as you like year after year, but the water levels will rise higher and higher until there,s no escape. Its not a crime for a young person to be right, or does it hurt your pride to much to admit that.
Glad you said that,I agree with you,
I would loved to have said that,but as the sharks are circling I am staying out the water,
I don’t want to raise their heart rate as some are getting on a bit.cheers
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@13.29 Just can't see the problem of a youngster becoming famous for all the right reasons, and then facing abuse.

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