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Book Of Mormon

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maggiebee | 23:38 Thu 05th Mar 2020 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Have any of you been to see Book of Mormon the stage show? Thinking of going to Aberdeen to see it. Marks out of 10 please.


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Think i'll wait until they come knocking on my door with a DVD :-)
There are 5,797 reviews of the London show on TripAdvisor, which should give you plenty of reading to do!

Here's a breakdown of those reviews:
Excellent 81%
Very good 10%
Average 3%
Poor 2%
Terrible 4%

With 91% of reviewers rating the show as either 'excellent' or 'very good', it would seem that there's a good chance that you'd enjoy it but, with 6% finding it either 'poor' or terrible, I suppose that you might not.

I've not bothered to find the poorer reviews but I do note that things like "not for those easily offended" do seem to occur quite often in some of the other ones. Perhaps it's people who've been easily offended who've posted the poorer reviews?
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Thanks folks. Chris, definitely not easily offended so might give it a whirl. Will have a proper look at your link tomorrow.
I'd like to see it, I'm a fan of South park.

It'll have to go a long way to beat Avenue Q though? Love that show!
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Have seen Avenue Q Mozz but done by an amateur company. Would love to see it on the big stage. Tickets now booked for Book of Mormon in May.
Maggie, I was lucky enough to see Avenue Q at the Gielgud Theatre in the West End. Was blown away by it. So funny, and great numbers.

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