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How True Is This??

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Jordyboy9 | 09:33 Tue 10th Mar 2020 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
10 clarionst called this site,
The old people’s home on the Internet,
I thought it was funny ,but how true is it?
Anyone want to help prove her right or wrong?
I will start by saying that I will be 83 in July


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Of course its impossible to put Old & Young into two pigeon holes. There are thick pensioners and thick Teenagers, and vice versa but I stand by my comments that on the whole young people know more now that we did at their age -and for the record I'm 62 this year.
I’m a teen of the 60s I get baffled to the point of head scratching about a lot of stuff now but accept it as I have to
I was very tech savvy until I retired, I had to be but less now because in the last 13 years things have changed dramatically.
There is nearly 20 years between my eldest and youngest child. The stuff my youngest was doing for GCE's was in a different ball park to that my eldest was doing -in all subjects not only Maths. Young people have challenges now we could not even dream of, and I think we need to cut them a little slack, while of course, keeping them grounded too.
I agree with APG. I find the younger generation quite knowledgeable.

When people say they are stuck to their phones how do you know what they're looking at?
Exactly Ummmm they could be doing their homework!
Aunt Polly, k certainly wouldn’t like the pressures on me that my 15.5 grandson has, I think we got homework on Fridays to be handed in on Monday, he can hardly lift his haversack and he’s a big lad ,due to the pile of books he’s carries, they’ll all end up round shouldered x
Not k, I ( typo)
Exactly. My son will see something on the news and Google it and learn as much as he can on the subject.
I'll do the same, ummmm;)
Its so easy for Kids to access info they are more curious than we were. We can be watching something on the TV and say 'oh is that really historically correct then? or 'what's he been in? ' and within a couple of minutes we've got the answer on the phone! I would have had to get a bus to the library in the good old days ;-)
"There are thick pensioners and thick Teenagers, and vice versa"
Now THAT is funny!
I quite agree that it’s likely young people now are far more knowledgeable than we were at the same age.
Our son knows stuff I never knew when I was 12.
Agree Bobbi about the homework. My 15yr old grandson has mock exams this week and the amount of revision and work he's put into it would put the 15yr old me to shame that's for sure.
Same as mine HL, then the biggie very soon
Your son probably never got to learn stuff you knew at his age, too.
What? Like playing conkers and making go-carts out of orange boxes? They can learn all that on YouTube, if they really wanted to. lol!

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