oo can I be technical and completely incomprehensible as ever?
straight from a bat please - least likely to be bad for humans
get it from a human and it may have evolved to be worse (*)
(*)principle from germ warfare
passage froo the host you want ( er Man) and it gets worse (**)
passage froo an unrelated mammal horse duck mouse and it is less pathogenic for man and is the old way to produce a vaccine
er well I did say I worked at Porton Down
(**) this is why in 1665 yup I wrote 1665 - the plague bacillus didnt need a black rat to reproduce but jumped from Man to Man wivvart the rat by blood stained spit at the very end. = = noticed by cntmeporary observers I think but the significance not realised
glad to hear that something that M&S sell is going viral - and I bet their marketers and shareholders are as well.....Never knew that they sell Corona - all the flavours? orangeade, lemonade, dandelion and burdock, raspberryade, cherry, cream soda and limeade....?