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Fao Gness

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jennyjoan | 15:42 Thu 12th Mar 2020 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
Gness - I am hoping you are still on.

I know you advocate the woollen duvet. I have read some reviews that said they are quite flat and heavy.

Could you provide me with a link as to where I can get one. Thanks


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Hi, JJ....I have a super king Devon Duvet on a king sized bed. I give it a good shake daily yet I don't find heavy despite being large and I love that it keeps a nice temperature all night.

to find out more..... Gx
//I don't find heavy despite being large//
i prefer the adjective voluptuous rather large but that's just me

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thanks Gness for your answer and your link - I shall peruse.
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well went ahead and bought the wool duvet from Dunelm. Put it on yesterday and had a great sleep last night. Able to make the bed so easy. No lumps, bumps, billows and billows of highness.

Can't get over how flat it is. Will be good for my arms not to have to trail it across the bed.

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