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I've Had A Mild Sore Throat All Day Today

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tiggerblue10 | 19:07 Tue 17th Mar 2020 | Body & Soul
7 Answers
And a fuzzy head. It's probably nothing and hoping it will go away quickly.

My parents and gran have gone into self-isolation today and all of them seem well so far. I'm working from home until further notice but I still have to take Little Tiggs to and from school.

I've written a list of tel: numbers for Little Tiggs to call anyone inc. 999, in case something happens to me.

How are you all feeling?


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I've been poorly for the last 2 weeks. Felt OK yesterday but woke up this morning with a sore throat.

The rest of my household all feel fine, at the moment.
Breathless, a bit dizzy / foggy and very fatigued, but I have Crohns also and its flared up.
And I live with a nurse!!
I live with an angel :-)
Everyone that I know of (at work) has had a massive, continuous dry cough with Covid.
So far... absolutely fine thanks. But feel totally paranoid if I ever cough... :-)
Can I have another glass of medicinal wine? Please.....

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I've Had A Mild Sore Throat All Day Today

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