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Ahm No Deid

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murraymints | 14:31 Wed 18th Mar 2020 | ChatterBank
21 Answers
had no phone or unternet for a week..blumming' Lleylandii trees next door bu**ered up my line..but back now..virus free !!


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This reminds me of when I moved into my present house (1988) there was a line of enormous Leylandii at the bottom of the garden. Several years later one of my neighbours expressed concern about these and being sympathetic to his views I got some professionals in to chop them down, and I was very careful to point out that the telephone line to 3 neighbouring properties went through the top of the trees so care was needed. Leaving them to it I went off to work, came home in the evening to find the trees and the telephone line cut down.

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