// F.A.N.Y. s. :-)//
they will say they dont know what ITMA was -
mind my bike !
it is only being so cheerful as keeps me going ( Mona Lott)
Men used to have to nurse men in the army up till 1914 and used to take it out on the sick as they should be darn the pub....tis lasted up until 1940 in Devonport
so VADs like Vera Brittan did some nursing - Yestament of Yoof is worth a review. The Cherie Grundy one is on the internet somewhere
The navy had WRENs - womens royal somehting nursing / navy
The Americans WW2 ,atched this with Wavies
you had QARANCs - queen alexandra royal auxiliary nursing corp
and finally FANYs
f auxiliary nursing yeomanry
honestly someone asked - this not thread wrecking
you are all (full blooded) men for chrissakes
namby pamby pinko wets are having my fact and fun filled posts removed from other threads making the line of argiment gobbledeegook(*)- gone are the quotes in Aramaic, the Latin tags, the massive c.ps from the enc britannica - gone! all gone!
so how do you tell a mutliated gobbledegook thread from a nromal one ter daaah ?