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Certain Fact That Its Bought Out The Best

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nailit | 19:32 Mon 23rd Mar 2020 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
(and sometimes the worst) in people!!!

Had a few people sharing scarce products with me recently.
Thank you (you know who you are)


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Anyone got any head polish?
I have some wood varnish.
I had a note through my door from a teenage neighbour, someone I’ve never met. She was offering to shop for us if we needed anything. Luckily we have family close by but I was really touched by her thoughtfulness.
That's nice.
I hope you enjoy good community support, and continue to support us ABers who are locked up.
Question Author
//I have some wood varnish//
Is it compatable with dry skin?
The only kind I buy N.
Question Author
Swap you 2 toilet rolls for it mamy?
Got to keep my (lack of) hair looking nice.
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Seriously tho,
Doesnt times like this bring out the best in people?
Mansion polish on an oatcake is an old Stoke remedy for heads that need to "shine". The fresher the better, and not too vigorous a rub, is recommended. Shoe polish works for those amongst us with the enviable multi hued skin tones, although care is needed in choosing the matching shade. I avoid the oxblood variety for fear of being mistaken for a hob ned.
Son phoned last night and offered to barter. He was looking for paracetamol (which I get on prescription). In exchange he offered a four pack of toilet paper. Exchange made.
I ventured out today ooooh. Ten mins away to my SIL's who gave me some milk (It was due to turn on Wed) and some hand clensing hand wash that they use in Schools (She works in One).
You're quite right Nailit, there are some wonderful examples of the kindness of many people. They still outnumber the bad.

Unfortunately it's the selfish tvvats who make the headlines.
That's bad on many levels, maggie. seriously get paracetamol on prescription? It cost 40p fgs!!
I get paracetamol on prescription, along with codeine and a load of other stuff too.
Why, when it's so cheap?
I have lots of meds I can buy over the counter but my doses are higher than they sell. Anything I need in the normal range I buy myself.

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