Business & Finance0 min ago
Breaking News.....
Lockdown it is
Boris address’s the Nation
Boris address’s the Nation
Timing was absolutely right. If he'd had done an afternoon announcement there would have been a mad rush to any and every shop by the terminally stupid. Instead, he waits til everywhere is closed and then says "you cant open tomorrow". This is NOT lockdown. This is clampdown. Lockdown is yet to come - but again depends on whether the people who think that it...
21:51 Mon 23rd Mar 2020
The pictures in this mornings press of the crowds of people in Bournemouth and on the tube were quite alarming and distressing. So no matter who was running the country, this is the only sensible decision to be made. Of course it will not stop the virus, but it will slow it down and therefore the rate of deaths will decrease. Giving the scientists more valuable time to come up with a workable vaccine. If we cannot be sensible for just 3 weeks, there is something sadly lacking in us.
You're most likely classed as a key worker Nailit. Go to work unless contacted otherwise, as you're part of an essential service.
https:/ /www.go vernmen t/publi cations /corona virus-c ovid-19 -mainta ining-e ducatio nal-pro vision/ guidanc e-for-s chools- college s-and-l ocal-au thoriti es-on-m aintain ing-edu cationa l-provi sion
"Why the mention of 3 weeks...…………..?" Retro has answered for me. If we adhere to what the PM has said, the chances of having to do so for 12 weeks would be far less than were we to carry on packing subway trains like sardines and shooting down to the beach en masse whenever the sun pokes it's head out.