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Today, In The Uk...................

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10ClarionSt | 20:30 Thu 26th Mar 2020 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
............there are 15,000 people still alive who will not be alive on this date in 2021 due to the flu virus. Does this mean we stay on permanent lock down? Just askin'. Yer know?


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//.there are 15,000 people still alive who will not be alive on this date in 2021 due to the flu virus. //

We have always had an annual morbidity rate due to the flu virus. What's new?
Where do you get your figures from?
Are you talking about flu or Covid?
Or just making the point that it's overkill (no pun)?
Don't you think people are worried enough without this kind of post?
Yes, let's keep morale up why don't we.
Fortunately the NHS plans for the winter Flu epidemic. Just hope we don't get any other epidemics that they are geared up to handle.
You really need to stop and think about your behaviour on here, 10C. Your posts are childish and out of order. Take a step back and have a thought for others on this site.....and perhaps grow up a bit.
Will it happen to you do you think? If so include yourself in the thread that you posted entitled "There Are One Or Two Posters Of This Web.....
If you are saying we don't have lock downs for flu so we do we have one for Covid then maybe you have not followed the news and medical advice closely. We have no vaccine for Covid and no longstanding experience of treating it. It spreads far more easily than flu and estimates by the medical profession suggest maybe 250,000 deaths this year from Covid if we don't take the steps we are taking, and this may be repeated next year if there is still no vaccine,
Even with all the measures in place including lock downs and testing plans the 'best case' is said to be somewhere between 25000-50000 deaths from Covid.
Maybe that wasn't your point- apologies if not
Poor old Clarion. Lots of people on here have talked about mortality rates, etc, over the last couple of weeks. (without being piled on)
The average annual death rate for 'common' flu is nearer 25,000.
And as said, we don't close the country down.
Presumably, they think this would be a lot worse if unchecked.

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Today, In The Uk...................

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