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A Wake Up Call??

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Jordyboy9 | 20:21 Fri 27th Mar 2020 | ChatterBank
63 Answers
Surely this present crisis will teach us if anything that our NHS is not the best in the world,as we have been led to believe,
When we get through this and we will,there should be a complete overhaul regardless of cost,those nurses and doctors deserve the best we can give them to do their job,a decent wage and conditions,
If it means paying more tax ,so be it,the way things are at the minute is a national disgrace.


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I think people here have misread or misunderstood Jordy’s point //those nurses and doctors deserve the best we can give them to do their job//
20:36 Fri 27th Mar 2020
They are already very well paid, both doctors and nurses,I can't see a reason to pay them more.
Typical! I have an early night and miss "full attack mode".

Now when it's spoken about in hushed tones, years from now, I'll have to admit that I missed it.
Douglas.08.49 , you have not missed much, other than TTT deciding @ 20.37, that some people on here are , Anti British / or Kin/Idiots , or Scum, Etc, etc.

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