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Freeview Box

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chessington | 16:12 Sat 21st Mar 2020 | Technology
9 Answers
Hi Can anyone help please, If I buy a Manhattan T2-R 500GB Freeview HD Recorder, do I need an aerial or could this be connected HDMI to my TV (I have a smart TV) and directly to my router by ethernet cable or WIFI to enable me to watch programmes TIA


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It seems an aerial isn't needed

AERIAL IN: Connect to a roof-top aerial to receive Freeview *
LOOP OUT: Connect to a TV to use its internal tuner
ETHERNET: Connect to an internet router for connected channels

If you want to use your TV’s tuner, connect the Loop Out connector to the Aerial input of your TV.
If you're going to watch live TV you'll need an aerial plugged into either your TV or the Manhatttan. If you want to record anything on the Manhattan you will need an aerial plugged into it. Such devices usually have a fly-lead supplied with them, which allows you to connect them to the TV aerial socket so that you can watch TV whilst it's recording something. I'd be very surprised if you can record anything on the Manhattan other than signals received via the aerial.
He doesn't need an aerial to watch live tv as he has a smart tv which picks up all the freeview channels over the internet.
The blurb from Manhattan seems to be saying that it can record from the tv's tuner - or have I got that wrong?
Under "The Joy of Free" banner it says "Simply connect the Manhattan T2•R to your aerial."

Perhaps I'm wrong but I think that there are no live broadcasts on the internet, only "catch-up", which you will not be able to record. If you want to record Freeview you will need an aerial.
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thanks guys, I dont have a aerial, any idea on the cost? TIA
This is a recorder that definitely doesn't an aerial, but can't record the Beeb User Recommendation
Ignore that bit of my last post about the Beeb - it does record BBC channels
It can access Catch-up but can't record it. If you read through the questions you will see an aerial referred to.
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thank you

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