When I need my medication, I order it online from my GP and it's then sent to Tesco Pharmacy for me to collect when I do my shopping.Unfortunately I am not allowed out as I come under the 'at risk' category, so I phoned to ask if they could deliver, but it isn't a service they offer, so I phoned round to my nearest pharmacies but they are not taking on any new customers and there is nobody I know that can collect my medicines.Are there any organisations I can phoned that would offer this type of service? Thanks.
Also are there any community support groups in your area? Facebook seems to be one way of finding this, but I appreciate you may not have access to that.
Are you signed up to Nextdoor? You have to create an account but there’s loads of groups on our local one who are helping out, also you could try your local round table and even your parish council or local church.
I'm on the 'at risk' list (due to chemotherapy) but that didn't stop me nipping into the pharmacy after having blood taken at my GP's surgery this morning and it won't stop me from shopping in Waitrose after my next chemo session on Thursday.
However it's the RVS that's at the heart of organising volunterr services at the moment. Their national phone number is 0330 555 0310 but I found a local one for my area by googling 'royal voluntary service suffolk'. Perhaps you might find one for your own area in a similar way?
Thanks for all your answers. I started with Mamya's suggestion and phoned Age Uk who I had to register with. They gave me a dedicated number for Manchester City Council who have asked all the questions and will get back to me in the next 24hrs but it looks quite likely that I may be able to get help with this. Thanks again.