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Its Cancelled

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teacake44 | 17:11 Wed 01st Apr 2020 | ChatterBank
65 Answers
Who really cares at this moment in time that Wimbledon is to be cancelled , tell that to someone who has lost a family member.


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The OP specifically asks ‘who cares’. I imagine there are many people who care.

The ball boys and girls for whom the event is a prestigious and confidence building occasion.

The spectators for whom the event is a highlight of their summer. I agree, in light of CV, the event pales into insignificance. But that doesn’t mean people won’t care that it’s cancelled.

The direct and indirect businesses who may well rely on Wimbledon as a significant source of annual income.

The employees of Wimbledon who may now not be paid or may not be able to be furloughed as it isn’t permanent employment. I admit to not researching this but there’s no doubt they will care about the cancellation.

And last but not least, the players, who will be finding things physically and mentally stressful.

So the OP is simply an unthinking attempt to say ‘get a grip’ when the situation is far from simple. Some people should avoid commenting on subjects which are patently beyond their intellect.
i don't care, i am surprised they didn't cancel it sooner.
I don’t care either emmie, but that doesn’t mean I can’t understand that there are those who do.
There are lots of things being cancelled and there are a lot of people who will be affected (some financially) by these cancellations. I'm guessing the OP picked on Wobblybum because she had just heard the news on the...……, judging by the time of the post. Otherwise she will be opening threads each and every time it is announced that something is being cancelled
i usually watch it, but in the light of what is happening, don't think it matters what gets cancelled sports wise.
when this is all over things will eventually get back to some form of normality...

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