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Scarlett | 13:44 Sat 16th Jul 2005 | Food & Drink
13 Answers
I don't know what to have for breakfast. I normally have porridge but it's a hot day, and the other thing I have in is rye bread, but it's not appealing. Any ideas? what did you have?


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My favourite breakfast is about 8oz of fish either white fish or finney haddock (poached or steamed) with two slices of lightly buttered bread.

fish - high in protein, zero fat
bread- the staff of life

great way to start the day

Its Saturday and I had for Breakfast:~

Half a Pink Grapefruit

A Bowl of Malted Cereal,with a Sliced Banana

Two Slices of Toasted Brioche(with Low Fat Spread)

Two Large Cups of Coffee ( I don't take Sugar)

Now I look at this I seem a bit of a piggy?

I too normally have porrage everyday but in the summer I have either shedded wheat, toms and marmite on toast or Sainbury taste the difference museli with low fat greek yoghurt.

Smoothies are a good way to start the day! Put some natural yoghurt (live if possible), fruit (whatever you fancy, i mix rasberries, strawberries, banana) with some honey in the blender. You may want to thin it with a little milk or fruit juice and blend! hey presto healthy breakfast!
I usually have some fruit in the summer, usually a nectarine but when I can be bothered I have fruit salad
Soak the oatflakes overnight with some almonds, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, (and dried apricots etc if you want),  next morning grate an apple, add some chopped banana or other fruit, top off with yoghurt - deeee lish. Now that's real muesli!
My colleague actually have cereal with yoghurt. Alternatively you can have natural yoghurt with fresh summer fruits like blueberries, strawberries and rasberries
How about two fried eggs and some sliced tomatoes?
Question Author
That is such a sweet suggestion rampart. Bless.
in the summer i have some mixed berries (strawberries,cranberries,blueberries ect.)washed down with a summer berry smoothie.Yuuuuummmy
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Berries with some yogurt on the top with a kiwi and melon smoothie.Yummy and healthy!
3 mcdonalds sausage and egg mcmuffins

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