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Bottom | 11:59 Fri 15th Jul 2005 | Food & Drink
8 Answers
Me and work colleague are having a conversation on SPAM. Does any one know what SPAM stands for?


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From Wikipedia:

The name of SPAM™
The name "SPAM" was chosen in the 1930s when the product, whose original name—"Hormel Spiced Ham"—was far less memorable, began to lose market share. The name was chosen from multiple entries in a naming contest. A Hormel official once stated that the original meaning of the name SPAM was "Shoulder of Pork And haM" —the SPAM Lite variety contains both pork and chicken meat.. According to writer Marguerite Patten in SPAM – The Cookbook, the name was suggested by Kenneth Daigneau, brother of the Hormel vice president and an actor.

Other explanations of the origin of the term include the acronym "Specially Processed Assorted Meat","Spiced Pork And haM", "Specially Processed Army Meat", and "SPAre hAM"; there are also some less-than-serious explanations, such as "Synthetically Produced Artificial Meat" or "Stuff Posing As Meat". The current official expansion is the SP and AM were taken from "SPiced hAM" to win a $100 prize.

According to Hormel's trademark guidelines, SPAM™ is spelled with all capital letters and treated as an adjective, as in the phrase SPAM™ luncheon meat. As with many trademarks (such as LEGO™ or Kleenex™) consumers typically simply refer to similar meat products as SPAM.

It was originally called Spiced Ham. The company that made it was called Hormel.

Egg bacon sausage and spam, Spam bacon sausage and spam.... Wonderful spam, loverly spam!

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same here Andy. There were no answers when I started typing mine.
Tis indeed Spiced Ham
SPAM - Specially Prepared American Meat
bloody vikings

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