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Past Holidays

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Vagus | 16:56 Thu 02nd Apr 2020 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
We’ve just spent an hour or two reminiscing about past holidays and it really put a smile on our faces.
Those holidays before the children came along, those with the children when they were very young in the UK, the first time we went abroad with them, the first time we went abroad without them..ha ha..and all the subsequent holidays, good and bad.


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Did I need to? :)
Good for you, we all need to have a smile on our face.

I remember some lovely holidays we had as a family.
Well, Vagus, it's nice to have a bit of a reminisce now and again.
"Did you have a question?"
Did you see a question mark? No? Then there was no question.
Simple really.
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It’s chatterbank, no question needed really. Just having a chat, maybe.
Ginge, ;o)
What a lovely way to spend an hour in these miserable times. You've inspired me. Thank you. I might dig some old pictures out!
I love reminiscing about my family hols when I was a child, had some good times with Mum and Dad. My best hol as an adult was when I went to Paris for New Year once - fabulous! Nice thread Vagus.
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We once had new year in Edinburgh. At midnight someone grabbed me and snogged me, you should have seen my kids faces, priceless!
It was only the other week we were reminiscing with ou daughter, now in her 50s, about our first holiday in France when she would have been about 8. We arrived at a campsite with her bursting for a wee, so we sent her off to the toilets whilst we put up the tent. Moments later she was back, hand firmly between her legs, "They haven't got any toilets, only showers". We'd heard about French "squatter" toilets, unlike her, so we put her straight and off she went and came back very relieved.
Photos or it didn't happen.
Strange that. For some reason I always think of a particular place or incident when we were on holiday when I am doing the crossword each morning. Only today I happened to say to my wife,'Do you remember that place when we were in Lesvos when....................?'
I think my favourites were skiing, Disneyworld, a horse riding one in Devon and nightclubs in Majorca.... varied :-)
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bhg, we spent a lot of time on campsites in France :)
I too have spent a couple of New Years in Edinburgh. No-one snogged me though, I'm jealous!
Beach holidays are my raison d'etre and I have lots of pictures of them constantly playing in a digital frame. Last couple of weeks when I look at them they make me cry.
And please don't tell me people are dying so get some perspective. Wave your flag elsewhere.
Remembering the lovely holidays birding and real ale hunting with Redman. One year we ticked double the new beers to new birds. East Anglia has over 50 breweries... And some of the best birding in the uk. But mostly I remember watching the sun rise with him, watching the fishing boats launch from the shore. We were sitting in our hotel room drinking tea and just feeling so joyful.
This afternoon OH got an old briefcase out. It was full of photographs going back to 2004/5 when we holidayed in France on our boat. We sailed from Calais to Toulouse.
It certainly brought back some very enjoyable memories.

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