Vodafone have special offers wherby they give £100 off a particular mobile phone if you switch your number to them from another provider. The other providers have also got similar offers if you go from Voadfone to them but these offers all relate to different phone models. I am a Vodafone customer for many years and if i wish to buy this particular phone on special offer to new custiomers who switch i will have to pay the full whack for the phone wheras the newcomers get £100 off. How fair is this for customer loyalty. Its all a merry go round and it seems the companies have it all worked ot between themselves as the phones each have on special offer are never the same models
Maybe you'd get a better deal buying the phone outright and having a SIM only deal. I've never bought a phone on contract and it has always worked out cheapest for me
Tesco mobile have just sent a text saying that all calls between 8pm and 8am and at weekends are free (until June) to encourage people to stay in touch...
How good is that?
Yes of course i would love to phone them up and haggle about price. The only difficulty is trying to get through to them. You are placed a a queue and you could be number 12. By the time you get through to a robot you have to go through a few more robots before you can speak to a human. When you do get to speak to this human you would really require an interpretor to understand what exactly they are saying. Is it worth all the hassle!