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Bobbisox1 | 10:17 Fri 03rd Apr 2020 | ChatterBank
76 Answers
Elton John has raised millions of dollars for USA charities by doing a concert from his kitchen

Who would YOU like to see here doing it? and who would join them,
C’mon use your imagination

Me? George Ezra I think


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How about a legends supergroup? McCartney, Jagger, Brian Wilson, Ray Davies, Clapton, Jerry Lee Lewis....

All together, but safely distanced.
Or get a REALLY big kitchen to host the line up that was going to be this year's Glastonbury Festival.
If we can get the rockers to do skits in between numbers, we'll have 32+ million by midnight tonight.
Well, if Children in Need can do it...
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that's amazing Pasta, well done us
Ed Sheeran, Harry Styles, Neill Horan and the band JLS.
Are you a teenybopper ILM?
Lol no, but I like the young ones because of my lovely nieces.
A soul lineup for me:
3 Degrees/Supremes
Earth Wind & Fire
Quincy Jones
Luther Vandross
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sharon, that's my kinda line up
I didn't know we could raise people from the dead!

I will now add

Bowie as my headliner
And Queen with Freddy
And the Glen Miller band to play in the Garden

Mozz, please not McCartney!
Rod Stewart, Ed Sheeran. Either of these would do good.
Ed Sheeran, no need for Covid19, I'd get a noose.
The Tiger Lillies as the warm up act,followed by Arcade Fire.

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