Do we have any Kombucha makers amongst us? Latest batch tastes fab but I cant separate a new SCOBY from the mother. This happened 10days ago when I started this batch so I just left the whole SCOBY in with the new tea, sugar & residual Kombucha.
Can I just do that again? It's getting pretty big. I dont want to handle it with my hands to tear it apart, should I? Obvs it's healthy & doing its job but will the older bits eventually compromise a batch? Do they die with age?
Chico.... perfect ...thnx that answers all my concerns. Happy to introduce you to the best amber nectar. It's good stuff & tastes great... even better with the fizz of a secondary ferment from fruit juice.
...and expensive I'd presume? Home made has delicate flavour...with slight vinegary edge but fruit juice adds flavour & natural bubbles so it pours & tastes more like a cider that cleans the palate. Really beneficial for ones gut.... I'll vouch for that. You can get started with a mail order SCOBY. Mine just sits in a big glass jar in kitchen for 10days then I strain & bottle it & brew a teapot of tea & 3 big spoons of sugar to get next lot on the go. The good bacteria in the SCOBY feed on the sugar & ferment the tea in a good way. It can veer towards vinegary so I presume theres a similarity with apple cider vinegar health benefits.