Anyone watch it? All panellists and host in their own homes on Zoom or something.
It felt a bit painful and awkward owing to the slight time lapse and lack of studio audience. I wonder if they’ll continue doing it like this.
I wanted to enjoy it, but I didn't. The spontaneity wasn't there and they were a bit too polite to start with, not butting in on each other (which they do quite readily when they're all together).
It was a shame wasn’t it, we were very hopeful it would work but it didn’t really I’d it?
Maybe it’ll get better as they all get used to doing it this way.
The wit wasn't as sharp as per usual. I think I only laughed out loud the once and I can't even remember why that was, now. I will try it again next week but if it hasn't improved, I can't see myself sticking with a whole series.
I was surprised to hear the "F' so wonder whether the broadcast was live. If so, lack of editing may explain why the humour wasn't as sharp as usual. Was there any reference to something that happened on Friday?
To be fair they did the best they could in the circumstances, the wit and ripostes were as sharp as ever, it was obviously just odd not hearing an audience.
At least they didn’t resort to canned laughter!
It was a bit stilted but that was probably to be expected. I thought Paul Merton was a lot more animated than usual, he normally seems to be staring into the middle distance. Considering this was the first time they had tried it, it went reasonably well. I believe the show s normally filmed on a Thursday Jonathan-Joe