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The Grim Reaper Apparently Isn't Too Busy With Victims Of The Virus...

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sandyRoe | 17:05 Sat 04th Apr 2020 | ChatterBank
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My sister, 10 years older than me, and in her 80s, died in her sleep during Wednesday night.
Her death was more peaceful than something like the virus would have privided. Small mercies, I suppose.
No question here, just an observation on the passing of someone I loved.


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sorry for your loss Sandy - I know you looked after Mary for as long as you could. x
What a good way to go. Dying in your sleep is what we all wish for, I think. I'm sorry for you, that you have lost her, and send my condolences to you at this very sad time. Take care, Sandy.
may your memory of her become a blessing
sandy, may I say that you showed the love you had for your sister very simply and beautifully. My heart goes out to you in your loss. Take care.
My condolences Sandy at this sad time, take comfort that she didn't fall to the virus, may she rest in peace ♥
Very sorry to hear this Sandy.
Commiserations Sandy. You are a true brother.
am so sorry Sandy. x
I'm sorry to hear about your sister, was she the one who was living with you?

Dying peacefully is a good way to go.

Take care of yourself. x
I’m sorry sandy. Take care .
Sandy please accept my sincere condolences in what is a difficult time.
I'm sorry, Sandy. A sibling is so important, even if they aren't there all the time these days they were part of your growing-up. So very glad that her passing was so peaceful - as much as any of us can wish for, really. x
Condolences to you and your family Sandy...very sorry for your loss.

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