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AuntPollyGrey | 16:18 Sun 05th Apr 2020 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
Just found out someone I know has died of the virus, very fit and healthy 40 something who never went to the GP. 111 told him to go to bed and wait 7 days. 3 days in he was having difficulty breathing and his OH called an ambulance -he was not well pleased but they took him in and 24 hours later he was dead full organ failure. I know we don't need to hear this to realise how bad the situation is, but when the statistics have names full lives wife and children it really brings it home.
For Funks Sake everyone stay at home! :-(


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Here's another. When you see his young face it brings it right home. RIP young man. Thank you feels so inadequate.
No, it wasn't, you've done it before.
My young nephew, a doctor on a virus ward, spent a long time last night holding the hand of a young dying man. In my nephew's other hand was a mobile phone. He was passing on the last wishes of the dying man to his wife.
Sadly we (some more than others) do need to hear things like this because today my nephew's dad saw groups of young folk larking around in the field close to his house and others on a small boat having fun on the river.
We'll have a Spain/Italy lock down soon, then people will be moaning.
It worries me when I read posts asking if he/she had an underlying condition. Almost as if healthy folk are latching onto that and thinking.....well I'm I have to obey the rules? Let's all assume we are at risk and stay at home.
Athough, I wonder if it's localish people driving to places. I was walking the hound this morning and crossed a bridge over the M25 at 10.20am, there was barely a sausage on it, it was very surreal.
See, I'm the opposite. I have to believe that they have undiagnosed medical conditions so that I can see my way through it. Unless of course I have one myself, which is the biggest fear. So I stay in.
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There are a lot of folks around here think they are immune as they are 'always in the fresh air' and 'it won't get up this far'. This is dangerous and although its terribly sad when someone in the neighbourhood dies who is, to all intents and purposes, 'fit and healthy' it brings it home that NO ONE is safe -and I don't mean that in a theatrical way, just we all have a huge responsibility to do our utmost not to spread the virus and try and keep ourselves and others safe.
I wholeheartedly agree

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