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Got Me Letter Off Boris

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Bobbisox1 | 13:44 Mon 06th Apr 2020 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
He could’ve signed it :0(


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Got mine too.
What? Sign millions of them by hand?
Question Author
Doh! Photo copy signature !
Is it interesting?
Question Author
Not really Tilly , just telling us what we already have been told
I've got a better one than that -an email from Sainsbury's saying I've got a priority pass for home delivery. Much more useful if you ask me :-)
Actually, we probably know more now.
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Keep that Aunt Polly and use it against them, lol
//He could’ve signed it//
//Doh! Photo copy signature//

He has, look on the back :-)
Question Author
It’s in the bin now Nailit
Got mine too. Opened with gloves on!
Just had my letter Bobbie but read my mums a couple of days ago. Never realised that its double sided. Thought as you did that it ended a bit abruptly until I just happened to turn the letter over...
Just received ours.
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I might retrieve it now xxx
//It’s in the bin now Nailit//
Best place for it. Although you could have saved it, toilet paper is still in short supply!
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Good old Bozza, signing it, might be a collectors item for my grandson :0)
Question Author
I’ve plenty of that pleased to say but not panic bought it, I always buy that and kitchen rolls in bulk
// I always buy that and kitchen rolls in bulk//
Get you ;-)

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