By sheer chance I have just gone into AB Suggestion where it tells you how many questions I have asked, I note that 6 of my Questions were BANNED - now I don't understand this as I only ask some crossword problem and would not be offensive. Actually I was trying to find out how to RATE questions and answers when I came across this. Help!!!!
ABE has hinted before that as a wee one growing up in America, an English housemaid subjected her to constant exposure to crosswords in an un-named British newspaper (the rumour is that it was the Sun.) Not being used to the spelling of British English and the complex nature of the Sun's clues, she was constantly defeated and as a result felt worthless and now she sometimes develops a tic at the mention of the "C" word. When it's at its worst, she'll ban posts at random and then deny their existance.
Actually you went into your User profile and saw how many Q and A you have posted and how many have been removed. The removal of an answer does not necessarily mean it was your answer that was banned, potentially it was the entire thread in which you posted your answer, in which case it would still appear as a banned question in your profile with a pink banner heading across it saying, this answer is banned etc.
This place here where you have posted this thread is AB Suggestions category. If you look at any question you will see the orange rate thie answer bar etc. OK?
hi poorclare, ditto to what dot says - TCL, did you get into my subconscious!?
In any case, I don't see why a crossword question has been banned. You probably duplicated it and the duplicate is the one that is marked "banned" so your original Q is out and about somewheres.
Banned is such a harsh word, we should change that, eh?