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Is there software that can pause a film and take a photograph from it?

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oceanauk | 16:00 Mon 21st Aug 2006 | Technology
5 Answers
Gosh hope that makes sense!! I would like to get some snaps from film footage I have taken and wonder if there is some simple to use software out there that can do that? Many thanks!!


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If you mean by computer I think most of the DVD playing software now available allow you to do just that, even WMP.
VLC media plaayer does this and it's free. Mind you, the film has to be on a computer first (I think).
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Sorry I really did put that question badly didn't I?! Yes the film will be on my computer in Mpeg format so I just need any software to help me create a jpg!! Thank you!!
Power DVD has a capture button on it ... you don't need to rip the film to your HDD, just pause the movie and grab what stills you need.
I have captured a frame simply by hitting the print screen on my keyboard and using ctrl+V and pasted it onto Irfan (irfan viewer is a free download) then I can crop from irfan and resize or print the pic.

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Is there software that can pause a film and take a photograph from it?

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