I've no idea whether this is relevant but this was my Mum's experience some 20 years ago (last century).
She had ongoing pains in her foot/leg but her GP just put it down to age (she was about 80 when the pain started). Several years later she moved house and mentioned it to her new doctor who examined her and claimed immediately he knew what it was and referred her to hospital for an angiogram. At the hospital the surgeon explained the process and asked her if they could go ahead with an angioplasty if they thought it appropriate - she agreed. They carried out the angiogram, decided an angioplasty was required and went ahead (I think it was under local) - they kept her in overnight for observation and she went home next day, and the pain disappeared. I think the angioplasty consisted of inserting a stent in a major artery (femoral possibly) but I don't remember the details.
How her original GP failed to diagnose it I don't know, but I was annoyed that she suffered several years of unnecessary pain as a result of his incompetence (or possibly just failing to keep up to date).
Now I don't want to raise any false hopes with this tale, it may be something completely different in your case, but possibly worth a mention to your GP.