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What Do The People Who Voted For Trump See In Him?

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sandyRoe | 11:12 Tue 21st Apr 2020 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
He's not a man of probity, remember Stormy Daniels. The Washington swamp he was going to drain is more foetid now than it ever was and the rust belt states are getting rustier.
Why did he get elected?


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"For "Trump" in the OP substitute "Johnson".

give it rest..that or seek medical help with your obsession...maybe you like making yourself look foolish all the time...meh
Your "obsession" = my "honesty".
I just knew Diddly would come on this thread and say what she did. So predictable! (And boring)

= delusional...youre only fooling yourself...and you reckon youre more intelligent than most on here...that post with that claim should have been moved to the "jokes" section
The American people voted for him because he puts them first.
I like gness’s Post Tortoise. Sums it up really.
There is a fantastic picture to go with it, Jo...but Dave wouldn't let me post it.... :-(
That sho as hell ain't no tortoise...
(Apologies; have been overdosing on John Prine…)
Or: that's a Potus not a Tortus.
///Why did he get elected?///

He played his Trump card.
Zacs - // Because he talks in populist soundbites which, unfortunately, a lot of Americans can relate to and unquestioningly believe. Americans feel (or felt) politically disenfranchised by politicians who represented the elite. Trump speaks like a man of the people, whilst living a life of luxury. It’s a clever trick and one which an awful lot of Americans can’t see past. //

I think that is essentially the essence of Trump's appeal.

The huge majority of voters, in the 'middle' bit of the US are not sophisticated political animals. The appeal of someone who speaks in simple sentences and appeals to what they want and need is assured, and Trump exploited that massively.

His shortcomings are overlooked in favour of his crowd-pleasing rhetoric about 'making America great again … ' even though America has not been 'great' in the living memory of anyone who voted for him.
// He's not a man of probity, remember Stormy Daniels.//

as Nicola sturgeon might ask - - is that the wee gurrl who ....or is she the wee hooor ?
Question Author
It takes two to tango. If there were no punters there'd be no wee hooors. Or, to use their more pc title, adult entertainment workers.
The Prez looks like he's only a couple of 'nasty' questions away from a stroke these days.
It's stressful being the most powerful inadequate in the world.
//the most powerful inadequate in the world.//

Doug, that is the perfect description of the POTUS. It should be on his gravestone.

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What Do The People Who Voted For Trump See In Him?

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