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Am I Still A Member?

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hazydaisy | 00:58 Thu 23rd Apr 2020 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Not been here for long time
Am I still welcome?


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as long as you behave yourself. No dancing in the aisles.
You got on here, so yes, you are. ;o}
don't see why not Hazy, most people are welcome on here.
They are, hazy. I can testify to that. :o)
We've been waiting for you, where have you been?
You decided to jump back in then, the asylum is still open for business
No good waiting at that bus stop. They cut the service ages ago.

Glad you decided to walk this way.
Sign up for the Early Bird, always need more crew.
Otherwise known as The Ship Of Fools :-)
not so Theland, we are a good crew...
Come along to the AB party.
Hi Hazy,welcome back
Indeed we are emmie.

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Am I Still A Member?

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