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cheap flights

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kevh_uk | 13:10 Tue 18th Apr 2006 | Travel
3 Answers

Hi everybody...i am trying to get cheap flights to malia for around about May 27th for a week returning on June 3rd. ANyone know of any airlines or websites that i may find useful? Is it best to go straight to airline websites like monarch etc?



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Is that Mallia in Crete? If so, you'll probably struggle to find a REALLY cheap flight, especially at this time of the year, because it's really beyond the effective range of the budget aitrlines. I'd try - I've picked up some reasonably priced seats that way on occasion. But you might be just as well off going directly to the airlines. Try Googling flights Mallia-wherever you want to fly from; using your destination as the starting point will usually give you all the operators that fly the route you want.
definately--the cheapest is at prob go for about �200 let me know how it goes!
I know its a bit late but i went to malia on 30th may (a tues...i booked the holiday 4 days before) & it was only �79 but including taxes etc it came to �159.
Still a bargain for flights & hotel which wasnt at all bad. It was near the beach & the strip so what more could I have asked for?!
Was a wicked hol as well!
I booked it with Thomas Cook by the way


Would defo do it again too!

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