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Brilliant Afternoon Out

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teacake44 | 21:29 Wed 22nd Apr 2020 | ChatterBank
46 Answers
Had a nice 3 hours sitting by the river with a picnic in glorious sunshine, about 3 miles from any roads, so if the police wanted to find me they would have had to get the helicopter out, nice drive back, and picked shopping up. Not bothered listening to any statements from number 10, so any more cock ups??


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Is it possible that TC is posting this to get a reaction from the abers ?
22:34 Wed 22nd Apr 2020
The inference of TC's choice of best answer is that it was indeed a wind-up. Hopefully we'll all ignore future threads
Bobbisox, where he (yes he) supposedly had the picnic was 3 miles from the nearest road, so he must have driven there then walked three miles to the spot, spent three hours having a picnic, walked three miles back to the car then went shopping. Christ I'm worn out just typing that lol!
Haha@ Aunt Polly
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Could it be that some lose their credibility when they still go for a holiday / long weekend in a log cabin with two other people, regardless of government advice to practice social distancing and not to travel, could that be the reason that they then had to enforce lockdown due to the actions of the selfish.
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TC won't know I've read it, if I don't answer. Em, :0)
Your're a hero.

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Brilliant Afternoon Out

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