Quizzes & Puzzles60 mins ago
Desktop Problem.
9 Answers
Without warning, all my desktop icons have disappeared and the empty background picture is badly greyed out. It`s not responding to left or right clicks. I can get internet access as my task bar`s icons are still showing. Can anyone help in re activating my desktop again?
Many thanks.
Many thanks.
I think that this might well work for you: https://answ ers.microsof t.com/en-us/ windows/foru m/windows_10 -start/deskt op-greyed-ou t-and-the-ap ps-are-unres ponsive/ccd5 d54e-1fcd-4b 92-90bf-b5f8 87f5acb0
18:17 Sun 26th Apr 2020
It`s very frustrating - I can get round most things and use the PC but the desktop is completely frozen with no icons showing, and partially faded out. The taskbar icons are still in situ including "This PC". Opening this includes a desktop icon, which when clicked, reveals a complete list of everything that was on the desktop before the problem arose. I just can`t get the desktop itself to respond, apart from changing the background picture.
More suggestions:
https:/ /www.mi nitool. com/dat a-recov ery/fix -window s-10-de sktop-i cons-mi ssing-0 09.html
(Ignore the 'free download' that's offered there. I've no idea whether it's safe or not. The rest of the info is valid though).
(Ignore the 'free download' that's offered there. I've no idea whether it's safe or not. The rest of the info is valid though).
I think that this might well work for you:
https:/ /answer s.micro soft.co m/en-us /window s/forum /window s_10-st art/des ktop-gr eyed-ou t-and-t he-apps -are-un respons ive/ccd 5d54e-1 fcd-4b9 2-90bf- b5f887f 5acb0