Sandy, I had the same problem as you, so much so, my hands were full of what was like little paper cuts and going to the sink caused me such anxiety with the stinging, Neutrogena swiss non scented hand cream was suggested by someone for me to use, I bought it, lashed a load of it on before bed with a clean pair of cotton socks, next morning my hands were much better, my public health nurse called and told me to use the soft bar soaps instead of the pump anti bac soaps, I've not had a problem with my hands now, I did have some 'Cyril's Handmade Soap' goats milk/oatmeal and honey and I believe that helped a lot too, that is from his website, it's excellent thought as I normally suffer with cracked skin anyhow. Whatever it takes to keep your hands from cracking Sandy, do it, it's so painful when they crack and break, take care x