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Armed Michigan Civilians In Anti-Lockdown Protest...

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Mozz71 | 07:51 Fri 01st May 2020 | News
51 Answers
...congregating at the state capitol building.

If you ever wonder how Trump will stay in power, here is his demographic. They will keep Agent Orange at the top.


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Why do so many 'discussions' on here turn into name calling fests of unpleasantness? Why do some people seem to think that if they are disagreed with they can revert to playgound behaviour including name calling ? It really is sad that some people can't accept that others may have opinions that they disagree with and almost immediately start with insults. It really is depressing....and we are surely all adults. I have no doubt that some one will call me a snowflake but hey ho....
Ok you're a snowflake - hey ho.
there you calling....
Agreed MallyJ, it puts me off posting on here and I'm sure I'm not alone.
Well you asked for that imo.
Police letting armed protestors into the government building as long their temperature is ok, and staff there having to wear bullet proof vests. There's not much you can say about such a ridiculous situation.
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Mally, I thought I'd managed to steer the thread back on track until you mentioned the mud slinging again ;-)
// Does that make every post that mentions the EUSSR or "Remoaners" a lost cause too? //

yes - author obviously mad - mad and er even more mad

by the way who recognised the ref to agent orange
defoliating agent used in Viet? me for one

oh well I will 'do' it here ! anyone notice Trumpo (oops there I go!) saying that Wuhan virus was released deliberately?

on their own population! Jesus where did the gt american people get him from

immediate question - do you think he is telling the truth this time?
ohj I quite liked my little diversion on Agent Orange actually
The Americans tend to like their liberty and constitutional rights.

For the most part they have been accommodating but they have become disenchanted and angry with the extended nature of the lockdowns and the loss of livelihood.

If you can get past the ‘everyone’s going to die’ mantra and unlock in a reasonable and safe manner then there is no reason to be in a draconian lockdown.

% wise the actual death rate, if you take numbers of those that have been infected but have shown no symptoms or mild symptoms and have recovered etc and take out the deaths that don’t have anything to do with Covid but have been added anyway it is only slightly higher than the seasonal flu but for some inexplicable reason we don’t lock down the world every year for that.

The reasonable thing to do is make sure the ‘at risk’ groups are safe.

But panic says everyone has to fit into one size lockdown.
It took me four days to hitch-hike from Saginaw.

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Armed Michigan Civilians In Anti-Lockdown Protest...

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