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Passing Back Ball

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Bazile | 16:50 Sat 02nd May 2020 | Sport
11 Answers
Just watching a recording of the 1987 FA cup final between Coventry and Spurs

Just saw a spurs player pass the ball back to his goalkeeper , who then picked up the ball

I thought in a case such as that it would constitute an infringement ; but nothing happened and play continued



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The 'no back pass' rule didn't come in till later
That was back in the day when back passes were allowed but the keeper could only take so many steps while holding the ball.
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Ah , that explains it.
yep the rule came into effect in 1992
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From the link
//...used to have square goal-posts, where a lot more bounced out than went in.//

Huh ? Don't follow that
Don't believe there's any real proof of that, Baz. That's just Alan Smith's perception. Maybe he hit the woodwork more times than most:-)
//The square designs were eventually banned by FIFA in 1987, and the round version has also been gradually replaced by an elliptical shape created by the Standard Goals Company in Nottingham. Precision is absolute: crossbars today are curved slightly upward in order to counteract gravity, which naturally pulls the central section downwards. Douglas fir has also been superseded by aluminium as the material of choice.//
"Ooohh, he's hit the aluminium" will never catch on, mamy :-))
Not my doing Ken ;-)
I was more interested in the reference to there being no crossbar, originally. Reminds me of all those playground arguments of whether or not a shot was too high to be a goal.

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