Exactly what happens in Germany tomorrow?
Do Germans just play it down every year with some kind of remembrance, walk around redfaced in shame or have DE Day. Defeat In Europe Day. ??
//In Germany, VE Day is not a day of celebration as it is in other countries. Rather it is regarded as a day of sombre commemoration, when the dead are remembered, and the promise is renewed never to allow such terrible events to repeat themselves.//
" For years many Germans viewed May 8 as a day of defeat. First there was the generation that experienced and fought in the war; many of them supported the Nazis and almost all suffered in the war's immediate aftermath.
Then there was a second generation, who did not want to accuse their fathers of crimes, Bilz said. But a third and fourth generation, Bilz noted, has now come to view May 8 broadly as a day of liberation".
Talking to German people of various generations about the war is fascinating, just to hear their various take on it, and trying to gauge just how much they're saying what they think they're expected to say.
My understanding is that nowhere in Europe is there the near incessant reference to wars, all manner of details and pretexts to harp on and on about war, as in the UK. Elsewhere there will be, by someone somewhere, some recognition of the major dates but mention is not so blanketing, including in the media, to the point where you simply cannot fail to hear of it as in the UK. These few dates generally pass unnoticed, life has moved on to other interests and people face forward.
Millions died in WWII Karl. VE Day is a way to celebrate them and remember their sacrifice. It's said that those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it. We need to remember.
// incessant reference to wars, all manner of details and pretexts to harp on and on about war,//
I think things were different for those lucky europeans that we liberated er along with the Americans
Poles lost 25% of the population - the mortality was 250 per thousand, the ghetto was destroyed, those in the uprising ( different times) imprisoned or massacred or deported by the Russians after further liberation
The Czechs when I visited were completely uninterested in their past - and that includes the assassination of Heydrich ( who ? just like an ABer)
Berlin is having a day off (if noticed during the virus), but the rest of Germany is carrying on as normal. (Some calls to have a holiday nationwide to mark liberation from the Nazis and the return of peace.)