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Border they pong?

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thickym | 22:07 Fri 18th Aug 2006 | Animals & Nature
6 Answers
Do these dogs moult alot, and do they tend to get a doggy smell to their coats?

I am trying to decide between a jack russell and a border terrier, but don't want my house to smell awful!


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Border terriers don't moult much - they have to be stripped twice a year.

You should be aware that any house with a dog will smell of dog to non-dog owners.

The owners don't notice it - but it is there.
Border Terriers are great dogs, I prefer a Jack Russel myself. Neither of these dogs smell, well all dogs will smell a bit when wet. The border is a little more settled where as the Jack Russell will be more fun and more lively.
Keep a border well brushed and stripped which is not a difficult job and you will not have a problem, my borders have never been a problem with smells.
They are quite wiry haired so shoudlnt molt too much. Never owned one but they look lovely dogs. Tough as they come.
cant add anything about the smell but they are both very strong willed breeds so make sure you do your research and get it into training classes as a pup, it'll really pay off.
I would suggest that if you are worried about a dog making your house awful, maybe you should get a stuffed one that won't give you any trouble. Expecting any dog not to smell is not fair to the dog.
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Actually lankeela, I used to have a Jack Russell terrier for 17 years, and my house didn't smell of dog at all!

That's why I posted the question though, to get sensible answers....not an unhelpful one!

Thank you to those of you who did reply, and I think we're going to go for a Jack Russell bitch if we can.

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Border they pong?

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