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How Are Olives Processes?

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sandyRoe | 16:21 Mon 11th May 2020 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
Pick one off a tree and it tastes terrible. What's done to them to make so moreish?


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Anchovies? I bought a tin once. They seemed to be little more than salty bones.
They can't all be like that, can they?
Ohhh...I want olives now!
They do tend to be a marmite food...people either love them or hate them.
Salty Bones....Haha. Yes Sandy perfect description but no less delicious anyway.
For a pre booked meal once, I ordered an anchovy starter...and really looked forward to it. I was so, so disappointed that they turned out to be the marinated variety. All I could taste was vinegar.
You are right Pasta. I love them and dream of sitting on a beach or waterfront in the sun again in Cornwall with a couple of olives and a drinky poos. "She who must be obeyed" hares them and would gag if she ate one. True story.....At Christmas she wanted to get a nice bottle of Fino for me as a pressy. She didn't know the type of dry sherry that I like and actually went into a rather posh independent wine bar/shop and asked for a bottle of that Sherry that makes you..... and shuddered and grimaced, and said makes you go like that. The 2 guys(wouldn't you know it?) had a good laugh and sold us a rather nice bottle.
I love anchovies with a tuna fish salad. Not sure I would eat them on their own.
I take it back... thanks, sandy, I've just eaten two tins of anchovies now...
How we differ, olives are definitely in my top 3 most revolting things to eat. Horrible little things.
//Anchovies? I bought a tin once. They seemed to be little more than salty bones.
They can't all be like that, can they?//

I am beginning to wonder why the heck you are staying in Spain.
Next you will be decrying Polpo a la Tinte as rubber tyres cooked in sump oil!!!i

I know where I would sooner be at the moment and I wouldn't be eating sausage and mash. :-)
Chorizo, Morceau, and Patatas Bravas may be !
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Morcilla(black pudding), choritzo, and garbanzos make a fine stew. Wash it down with a bottle of something red and you're in culinary heaven.
Pack it in you lot....I am now craving a lovely fragrant cheroot....... and I gave up the smokes in October.

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