About it .The press conference today was all about how about how important education is all very good but this guys party have all about brought the education system to its knees as they did with the NHS .So is this a new caring sharing Tory party . Watch and learn .
My granddaughter is in year 6 & I along with her parents are very concerned about her returning to school.
Her school at the start of the lockdown was closed early as several children showed symptoms.
I am just praying .......
I'm in education and I've noticed quite a lot of pupil premium money allocated by the various government in the last 5-6 years swilling around and some schools unsure how to spend it. Schools and teachers are still receiving full funding and teachers are getting full pay despite schools being closed for most pupils for 2 months now and possibly quite a bit longer
Can i put you right about the pay issue, my son who is a teacher still has to work. His time is at hub schools for key worker and vulnerable pupils. He is also working from home. Its not like he's sitting at home doing nothing!!!!!. He's already stressed at schools restarting when he has a family of his own to go home to one of which is a 2 month old baby.
Weecalf may have children in the family who are struggling in education, I can't say that's the case with the education my Grandchildren have and are receiving.
If he's still working so much with children, Dagman, I'm not sure he's stressing about schools restarting- what would change so much?
Yes, teachers still have work to do- some more than others. Attendance is well below 10% so the teachers are usually on a rota. In my experience teachers on average are probably working at about one third of the usual level in terms of school hours and the planning/marking has fallen significantly.
Schools restarting will increase pupil numbers and in turn increase the risk, not only to the teachers but pupils and their respective families. I myself am an exam invigilator, the mock exams were completed but obviously the end of term finals abandoned. I don't see how starting the schools for a matter of a few weeks is to any advantage. Giving this virus time to fade properly and start schools next term is surely the right thing to do.