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Hi, Just Got An E-Mail From Work,

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Tashi | 00:23 Sat 16th May 2020 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
from work, my offer to do a shift in AandE tomorrow has been taken up, so need to get some sleep, Going to be interesting I suspect.


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Dad's and teenage/adult sons can find it difficult being cooped up for long periods. Or even a couple of days, there is always a spike in domestic violence during Christmas.

If there is domestic violence in any household it is bound to get worse at times like these, regardless of the gender and family make up.
good well done
should be oK
they have had a few weeks to get it right ....

have a good time
oh dear
am I on the right channel ?
I know lots of gay men. They do get 'snippy'. I can't believe what they find to argue about.

I'm currently living with my niece and nephew (twins) and her and has fallen out yet.
Full house ummm, I hope they are taking care of you ?
They try. I won't eat their food though.
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It's reasonably quiet ,but not as quiet as my usual department, it's been ok so far.
A different challenge in times of need, change can be good.
Hope all goes well Tashi, stay safe and well.
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Thanks Marval, Still here at the moment, 2 N/Shift 'phoned in sick, I'm off tomorrow so I don't mind staying on for a while as they sort it out.
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Just got home, not bad for an 1800 finish, it happens, couldn't leave 'em short staffed. Got a wine, Dave's sorting my dinner, it's looking good.
well done Tash

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