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Would It Be Possible

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weecalf | 10:32 Mon 18th May 2020 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
To say summit and everyone agree okay try this Man landed on the moon .


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Wrong! Men landed on the moon :-)))
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Man was ment people from this place earth .
My mother in law insisted it was a downtown warehouse!
no, Stanley Kubrick filmed that at Pinewood.
I have driven through the centre of America. I recognised landscapes that we were told was the moon.
I've driven through Gateshead and ditto ...
Fake news!
That's just nasty...
Remember the saying - Three people can keep a secret if two of them are dead?

Imagine how many people would have been involved in a fake moon landing and every single one of them keeping the secret.

It would never happen.

That applies to every conspiracy theory going.
You're quite right, Andy. But how do you think I know for sure it was faked? ;-)
no , there was no 19th hole after playing golf x
I saw the rocket go up in Florida & it did NOT crash back.

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